One of the first privately held shipping and crew management firms in the Gulf, Symphony Ship Management was founded in 2021. In 2020, an affiliated office was set up in India. Its competent services are offered to vessels doing business in Asian waterways.
Over the past three years, more than ten different vessels, including tankers, dry cargo, reefer vessels, tugs, special purpose vessels, and others, have been managed. The fleet now consists of eight ships, with a combined tonnage of roughly 70.000 DWT; the fleet list may be viewed on our website. The employees of SSM who work in its offices and aboard the managed vessels are the company's greatest asset. All of our office personnel have maritime training or expertise earned at sea and/or on shore in various shipping firms. The ship-owners may attain recruitment flexibility and a permanent pool of competent seafarers thanks to a strategic cooperation with India, a marine HR expert. SSM has expertise operating ships flying a variety of flags, including those of Cook Island, Panama, Kiribati, Cameroon, St. Kit & Nevis, and others.
In order to earn your happiness and lasting loyalty, we shall offer a professional and trustworthy ship management service. We continue to foster a warm and favorable workplace that values diversity and honors initiative and dedication.
To be highly known for having motivated employees who work to continuously enhance management procedures and operational performance by having a strong dedication to the needs of their clients' businesses.
Our activities are guided by our understanding of the desired outcome, the top priorities, and the available resources. Each of us is searching for the best options as a result.
The exciting aspect of teamwork for us is mutual understanding. As a result, we develop the ability to listen to our colleagues and partners and to constructively voice our own perspectives.
Recognition is one of our motivators. All firm accomplishments are the result of the efforts of the entire team as well as each and every employee.